Thursday, January 25, 2007

Dr. Suess Writes Billy Collins

Suess Writes Collins

I surveyed what dogs were traversing my lawn
From the old wooden deck chair that I sat on.
Some dogs were fuzzy.
Some dogs were not.
Some dogs had noticed the biscuit I'd brought,
So I thought and I thought and I thought and I thought
Whether to offer that biscuit I'd brought
To the fuzzy dogs first
And then to the not
So fuzzy ones who had all started to trot
Toward me, their noses all sleek in the air.
They snuffled and huffed,
They puffed and they ruffled
Like readers for meanings
Or pigs after truffles--
As if they all knew what I had in my duffle.
More biscuits, you think as you guess the next line,
But no it's not biscuits,
Nor tiskets nor taskets,
And now that you ask, it's
just poems.

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